Profile PictureIan Khor

Importance and Satisfaction Google Sheet Template

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Importance and Satisfaction Google Sheet Template


NOTE: You will be redirected to the Google Sheet after purchase, which will be available for download. Go to File -> Download to access the Google Sheet.

Popularised by Dan Olsen in his book, ‘Lean Product Playbook’, the Importance and Satisfaction framework can be a key tool in your product management repertoire by helping you figure out what you and your team should be building next based on identifying underserved customer needs to determine which solution might provide them the best benefit.

This template is in the form of a Google Sheet and provides the following benefits:

  • Easily capture your crafted Importance & Satisfaction questions on the same sheet
  • Automatically converts your 5-point Importance & 7-point Satisfaction questions into the appropriate numerical scale for your graph
  • Automatically creates a scatter graph that plots out the points of your Importance & Satisfaction framework, which helps you determine what is the most prioritised issue that you should be working on next

Please read here for more instructions on how to use the Importance and Satisfaction Google Sheet

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